With more than 200 years of combined experience, our compassionate attorneys serve North and South Carolina in all areas of family law and elder law.

Family Lawyers in North & South Carolina
200+ Years' of Combined Experience
Family law issues are sensitive in nature and surrounded by complex laws. At Collins Family & Elder Law Group, we have the proven dedication and the right combination of compassion, legal knowledge, and experience to help you navigate the process successfully. We understand that emotions are high, and it is our goal to guide you through this difficult time by giving you the best possible legal advice to address present issues and to protect your future.
Licensed Mediators. Call (704) 289-3250.
Any skilled and passionate family law attorney at our firm is prepared to help you with any matter involving family law. As we have considerable experience handling mediation and collaborative law matters, we have the insights and care you need on our side to pursue creative, peaceful resolutions and a stronger future.

What Does a Family Lawyer Do?
Hiring an experienced North Carolina family lawyer can offer numerous benefits, especially in legal matters involving family, relationships, and domestic issues. Here are some key advantages:
- Legal Expertise: Our family lawyers are well-versed in North Carolina's family law and can provide you with knowledgeable guidance tailored to your unique situation. We understand the intricacies of state laws, which can be complex, and help you navigate them effectively.
- Objective Advice: Emotions can run high in family disputes, making it difficult to think objectively. Our family lawyer can provide a rational perspective and help you make informed decisions based on legal principles and your best interests.
- Effective Communication: Our family lawyers are skilled in communication, which is crucial in negotiations, mediations, and courtroom proceedings. We can represent your interests effectively and help resolve conflicts more efficiently.
- Paperwork and Procedures: Legal processes often involve extensive paperwork and specific procedural requirements. Our family lawyer can manage the paperwork and ensure that all procedures are followed correctly to avoid delays and potential legal pitfalls.
- Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution: Our family lawyers can often facilitate mediation and alternative dispute resolution methods, which can lead to more amicable and less adversarial solutions in family disputes.
- Minimized Stress: Dealing with family legal matters can be emotionally taxing. Having a lawyer by your side can alleviate stress, allowing you to focus on healing and moving forward.
- Contingency Planning: In estate planning and asset protection, family lawyers can help you create contingency plans for unforeseen circumstances, ensuring your family's financial security.
- Courtroom Representation: If your case goes to court, our family lawyer will represent your interests, presenting a strong legal argument on your behalf.
Hiring a North Carolina family lawyer from Collins Family & Elder Law Group can provide invaluable support and legal expertise in various family-related matters. We can help you achieve fair and just outcomes while alleviating stress and emotional turmoil, making the legal process smoother and more manageable.

"I could never tell you how much I appreciate what you have done for me"Emiline Northcut
Shawna Collins Founder
Isla Tabrizi Partner & Chief of Legal Development
Candace S. Faircloth Partner & Chief of Trial Strategy
Rebecca Watts Partner & Chief Legal Officer
Jennifer Rodrigue Partner & the Regional Director of Lowcountry
Kathryn Cook DeAngelo Senior Counsel
Chelsea Josey Attorney at Law
Areas of Family Law We Handle
An absolute divorce is the severing of the legal relationship between husband and wife. Although the procedure for obtaining an absolute divorce may be a straightforward one, an absolute divorce affects your rights and responsibilities. We can explain these rights and responsibilities to you and assist you in obtaining a divorce without negatively affecting your other rights.
Child Custody
The process of determining a custody and visitation schedule can be an emotional one. If parents cannot agree on what’s best for the child, the court has to make that decision. We can help you negotiate a resolution if possible or litigate the issue if necessary.
Child Support
Although in most cases, child support is determined by application of the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines, dispute can arise if the parties cannot agree on what income or expense numbers to use or if a party ordered to pay support does not make the payments. We can help ensure that the correct child support obligation is established and collected.
Separation Agreements
Many couples choose to enter into a separation agreement instead of asking the court to resolve their legal issues. We will help you explore the differences so you will know whether this approach may be a good option for your family.
Spousal Support
In determining whether to award spousal support, the trial court examines each party’s income and expenses and then considers whether an award of alimony would be equitable. Because of the complexities involved, you need an attorney who understands the law and has experience making arguments to the court.
Property and Debt Division
In equitable distribution, marital assets and debts are supposed to be divided in an equitable manner. Unfortunately, parties may not always agree what is equitable. Our experienced trial attorneys can present your best case to the trial court.

We Also Handle…
Moving can pose many challenging child custody issues. Discover your options and what factors the court will consider when deciding if the relocation is in the best interests of the child.
We can help ensure that welcoming a child into your family remains an exciting, joyful time. Our team is by your side from filing paperwork to attending court hearings so you can focus on growing your family.
Domestic Law Appeals
If the trial court incorrectly applied the law or did not properly consider the evidence, you may be able to appeal that decision to the North Carolina Court of Appeals or the North Carolina Supreme Court. This also applies to the South Carolina Court of Appeals or the South Carolina Supreme Court as well. Our experienced appellate attorney can present your case for you.
Enforcement of Court Orders
Even after a court order has been entered, you may face legal battles with the other party if they fail to comply with the court order. We will work to ensure the court holds them accountable.
Fathers’ Rights
Many fathers feel helpless during child custody and child support cases. Understand your rights so you can fight for your family.
Grandparents’ Rights
Grandparents' rights are typically sought when a grandparent believes it is in the best interest of a grandchild to have a relationship with them, and they are being denied access or contact. Hiring an attorney for help with a grandparents' rights case is crucial because an attorney can navigate the complexities of family law, guide grandparents through the legal process, and advocate for their rights in court.
Mediation / Collaborative Law
In most cases, a negotiated resolution is better for you than a court-imposed resolution. Whenever possible, we strive to resolve family law disputes in an amicable, cost-effective manner through mediation or collaborative law.
Modification of Court Orders
Over time, circumstances may change in a way that renders a custody order no longer in the best interests of the child or a support no longer equitable. We will work with you to determine whether your order may be subject to modification and to present your case for entry of a new order.